Log into your account and select "Downloads" in the upper right hand corner. You will see a list of downloads available for your subscription. You MUST have a current subscription. iPad applications are available at the Apple app store. Android applications are available at the Google Play store.
This is a single user product. Someone has logged in using your credentials. Have them log off or contact us to reset your password.
The On-Line Jury Instructions is a web application not a web page.
1. only bookmark www.ncpji.com not pages in the application. Reason - we use session id's to keep you in the correct information if you bookmark or otherwise save the url you are viewing you may be saving the session number with it. When you log out the sesion id will change the next time you visit the application.
2. you may need to clear the cache (History) in your browser. Your browser always tries to track everything you do and if it has retained the session number then you browser may try to use it in your next visit.
No. We do not offer single volume editions. We only have access to all volumes of the jury instructions.
To purchase multiple license contact customer service. We do provide multiple purchase discounts.
No. Each user must have a license of their own or you must have a site licence. For pricing contact customer service.